Friday, February 24, 2012

Mama, Am I Pretty?

Although my daughter is only 6 years old, I have already begun the process of educating her on the Media she sees on television, billboards, and in magazines, as well as radio commercials. We talk about the positive and negative influences it can have on herself as a young girl, myself, and society, in general. It sounds mundane, but it has opened up an entire new realm of topics to bring us closer together, and a heightened sense of self confidence in both of us!  I noticed after continuously explaining the repetitive weight-loss commercials we see and hear about, that I myself even began to believe my own advice! "Do as I say, not as I do", right? Well, let's change that! 

What do I tell my 6 year old, you wonder? I explain to her that weight loss is necessary when a person's body has become unhealthy and puts them at high risk for things such as heart disease or diabetes. Well what is that, she asks? And Voila! An educational moment is created. We get onto to the internet to research what these things are. Which then leads to healthy eating habits, and then searching for healthy kid-friendly recipes such as this one , in which she chose and then we made. Success! 

However, something was nagging at my brain. Models, fashion, ...airbrushing...
I then remembered Dove's Self-Esteem Fund (big fan) and the video they created to explain this very issue to young girls. I looked it up and then viewed it with my daughter. She was amazed! I explained to her that although many models are very beautiful in person, the ads are airbrushed like she saw in the video.  That they are changed with a computer program and that they are not portraying the real beauty of the individual.  I continued to talk with her and told her that when she sees ads with models, appreciate the art, but DO NOT let it get her down, that she is naturally beautiful inside and out (I got a big bear hug for that one). I asked her not to forget this. We watched this video about 3 times, she was so intrigued. 

We both felt inspired to share it with you all, along with our little story. And I hope our story can open up the lines of communication with you and your children. :)

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below, I would love to see them! Don't forget to pin this video and spread the word. 
~30 Something Mama 

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